Discover wellbeing and mental health articles from Seek A Therapy founder and some of the therapists listed on the directory. Some of these articles come from direct experience whilst others are ideas on how to improve wellbeing. We hope you find them insightful and useful to you. If you would like to guest blog please contact us and we can discuss ideas for the topic of your article.

Working Too Much? Here’s How to Protect Your Mental Health and Well-Being

Are you a person juggling multiple projects, deadlines, and work hours? Are you finding it difficult to balance your career and well-being? Do such relentless demands impact your mental health and energy levels? If so, then this article is for you. Working too much can certainly take its toll on the mind and body. That’s…

10 Tips To Help Improve Mens Mental Health – Awareness Month June

June is mens mental health month but it’s not really been advertised that much here in the UK. It’s a sad fact that the biggest killer of men under 40 is suicide and yet it feels as though nothing is being done to help rectify the problems men face in modern society. As someone who…

Common Symptoms of Women With ADHD

Many women with ADHD feel such a tremendous sense of relief after they discover that they actually have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD). For many years, they might have blamed themselves for their weaknesses and their low self-esteem, and their symptoms may have even taken them out of character. They might have thought that if they just…

How to Start Your Day Positively With Priming Tony Robbins

if you have read the previous article to this one you will have learnt that I have done a lot of self-development work over the last 11 months. It started by working with Heart-seat of the Soul in the Wirral, a fantastic EFT, dreamworks and Kinesiology specialist. In June I attended my first UPW event…

Why Healing Yourself is Important And What Is Planned For 2022?

Why healing yourself is important? The last two years of our lives have been challenging for everyone to say the least. For some, it may be financial reasons, for others, social or even mentally and emotionally. No one got out of this easily! In the UK, where I am based we have had several lockdowns,…

5 Modern Products To Help Meditate Reviewed

I realise it is all very well and good to advise people to start meditating but how do you do it ? What tools can you use? Do you need to be with someone to guide you? In this blog post, I discuss several products to help meditate that are currently on the market. You…

8 Ways How To Overcome The Embarrassment Of Seeking Therapy

If you are finding things tough at the moment I want you to know it’s ok. I want to talk to you personally, from a man’s perspective about my own experience of mental health difficulties in the hope it may make you realise, its ok to not be ok, no matter your background. My name…

10 Ways How To Stop Boredom During Lockdown Of Coronavirus

Many people are struggling with the lockdown at the moment. We have seen many flouting the rules due in part, to being bored. There are many ways to fight the boredom and here are our top tips on how to stop boredom during lockdown of Coronavirus, I am sure it won’t be for that much…

10 Top Tips On How To Look After Your Wellbeing During Coronavirus

Coronavirus is affecting all of our wellbeings. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what your status is, it is making us all have to reflect on ourselves and what we love about life. It is bringing some difficult questions to the surface for many of us and also helping many of us make important…

13 FREE apps that help overcome depression and anxiety

Technology sometimes gets a really bad reputation for being bad for society and our mental health. Although this may sometimes be the case, technology also gives a huge capability for improved mental health and wellbeing. In this article, we are going to discuss and recommend apps that help overcome depression and aid in improving our…

Build A New Routine To Help You Through The Coronavirus Lockdown

Coronavirus has become quite an unusual and challenging time for so many of us. Lockdown has thrown our lives, routines, and hobbies out the window. No longer are we able to go to work, the shops, the gym or even restaurants, clubs and cinemas. We have to self-isolate and now, things that we would have…

Can Blogging Help With Your Mental Health

HoBlogging has been around for quite a while now. Short writings from a day in the life, or something of interest, of a particular person or business. You may think of something like Star Trek and ‘captains log’. At the end of each episode, Captain Kirk would discuss his day’s activity, the things he had…

FREE Guided Meditations With Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is a well known spiritual and wellbeing guru around the world. He has teamed up with Oprah Winfrey to bring FREE guided meditations. A 21-day program to help alleviate your stresses and anxieties. In this post we share the idea behind what they are doing, what are the benefits of meditating, and a…

Positive Aspects Of The Coronavirus Crisis During This Difficult Time

We are facing one of the most difficult world health crisis in modern history. It is a very worrying time for many, panic and fear is setting in and whether we will contract it or not is taking hold. In this article, we have put together ten positive aspects of the coronavirus crisis.

How To Get Through The Christmas Period in 10 Positive Ways

Christmas can be a wonderful time of year for many of us. But Christmas can also be a time of deep reflection as the year draws to a close and we take time out of our working lives. Some of us don’t enjoy Christmas as much, all for different reasons. In this article, we share…

What is it like to live without social media?

Inconceivable as it may seem nowadays, it is entirely possible to live without social media. I’ve been doing it for over 18 months and survived. Flirting with Facebook I did however have a recent flirtation with Facebook. During the Extinction Rebellion protests in London I borrowed, with permission, access to someone else’s FB account. I…

8 Tips To Start Going The Gym When You Suffer From Anxiety

It’s a catch22 situation, you’ve got anxiety but you have been told exercise is fantastic to alleviate stress, anxiety, and release natural endorphins. It is well known that once you get in a routine, going to the gym regularly can be great therapy for the mind and body. In this blog post, we share 8…

Types of Hypnotherapy Explained

There are so many different types of hypnotherapy treatment – how do you decide which would be best for you? 3 Basic Types of Hypnotherapy If you have been looking into the possibility of having treatment, you will have noticed many different types of hypnotherapy available (for example; curative, clinical, evidenced-based, cognitive, eclectic) as well…

Coming Off Facebook

I recently chose to Come Off Facebook. This decision has taken me on a little writing journey. The first post published to my blog is shared below. Over the next few weeks more will be published on my blog at  To receive a regular round up of my blog posts and other information I…

Creative therapy programs for the recovering addict

When we think of addiction treatment, we tend to think about one-on-one counselling, group therapy, and 12-step programs. These are very necessary parts that can form the foundation of a recovery program, but there are supplemental therapies that may be useful as well. Creative therapy programs involving art or music can have numerous benefits that…

International Womens Day – The woman Who Inspired Seek A Therapy

Today is International Womens day and I want to tell you a story about a woman ( and a mother ) that inspired this very website. In this article, John Wilson, the founder of Seek A Therapy will discuss his story. Why he was inspired by and influenced by the woman that is his mother,…

How to Improve your Mental Health by Focusing on Wellness

I want to start this post off by stating the definition of wellness. Today, there are many misconceptions and misunderstandings about the meaning of wellness. As well as its correlation with improving mental health. The definition of wellness is the result of your personal initiative by seeking a more optimal, holistic, and balanced state of…

It Happens In Nice Middle Class Families Too

This post was recently published on my website Telling the Truth It has taken me decades to talk about this stuff openly and honestly. To be able to tell my truth without hanging my head in shame. The reason for this is two fold.  Firstly there is the blanket of denial I grew up under…

9 Signs It’s Time To Seek Therapy

Knowing signs it is time to seek therapy can be beneficial for your wellbeing. For many, therapy is often a new experience, and also, you don’t want to feel you aren’t coping or weak. The good news is, you are neither of these things. Many people seek therapy, both those who are in need of…

Are you afraid of change? 11 ways to overcome being afraid of change

Overcome being afraid of change can be a challenge for a lot of people, in fact, it is difficult for most people. The majority of people want a peaceful life and change and movement is not the easiest of things to experience particularly if you have had a lot of difficulties recently. In this blog…

10 inspiring movie scenes that may change the way you think

Movies can be quite powerful emotionally. So much so that they can help inspire us to take action or want to be like the characters in the film. In this article, we discuss ten inspiring movie scenes that may help change the way you think for the better.

How to achieve great wealth

It is human nature to always want to progress and to pursue comfort, happiness and freedom and most people think that there is only one way to achieve these 3 things… money. Money and the pursuit of ever-growing wealth is the pursuit of most of us, we go to work to pay our mortgage/rent, to…

The problem with labelling people depressed or anxious

Labelling people depressed or anxious, I believe, is a big problem facing the mental health care system. I myself, the founder of Battle of Mind, was once labelled clinically depressed, suffering from acute social anxiety and at ‘clinical’ risk of suicide after taking a test that suggested I was 2 points scoring a full house on…

What is a Trapped Emotion?

The Emotion Code (devised by Dr Bradley Nelson) is an example of Energy psychology, and like other holistic therapies, treatments and systems it revolves around releasing trapped emotions (negative energy) from the body. To understand what a trapped emotion is we must first understand that EVERYTHING is energy – well, we don’t need to understand…

Dealing With Your Diagnosis

Were you helped to deal with your diagnosis? Did someone explain it all, the treatments and procedures? Did they tell you the prognosis, or possible outcomes? How did that feel?

The Vicious Cycle of Isolation

The vicious circle of isolation Something I frequently notice is the distance from other people, or lack of meaningful human connections people have in their daily lives. Not the superficial interactions; yes we have conversations with people we bump into, or at work – “How are you?” “Fine thanks, you?”. I’m talking about the intimacy…

Hypnosis creating change

Hypnosis can and does create a shortcut to what could often be years of talk therapy.  Precision Hypnosis creates the opportunities for us to learn how to improve our lives, when we understand what a natural state hypnosis is.

Your life isnt over (inspirational video)

Your Life Isn’t Over, This Period Is Just A Bump In The Road Many of us struggle with some kind of affliction whether losing self-confidence, having addictions,  depression, anxiety, a whole host of personal problems and sometimes it can feel like we can’t go on anymore. Life DOES go on when you get through the…

Finding Purpose Can Be So Important And How To Find Yours

Finding purpose can be so important. One day, after my wife and I had been shopping in London, we returned to London Victoria station ( see location on google maps ) and looked for an empty seat. Usually, when I am free, I would tend to look down at my phone and take in ridiculous…

How to stop caring what other people think of you

Recently, we stumbled across a YouTuber that says a lot of things that make a lot of sense. We all care about how we are perceived by those around us and actually, it is often the case we try to please others at the detriment of our own wellbeing. In this video, he discusses his…

My first floatation tank experience

The last weekend my wife and I decided that we would experience a floatation tank, sometimes called a sensory deprivation tank. There is some research passed on these devices that suggest they help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety on extensive use. In this blog post, I explore my experience, thoughts, and judgment on my…

Man up… Strengthen Your Mind By Seeking Therapy Now!

Man up! Words often heard when people are in emotional and/or mental turmoil after experiencing an untoward event? It is well-known, men, in particular, are told to hide their emotions and ‘be strong’ thus the man up comment people use. But maybe this is why we are seeing a rise in horrendous stats of what…

Help depression not just through anti-depressants but through exploring therapies

Back when I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety in 2011 to help depression, my initial treatment was 40mg of Citalopram (the highest dosage allowed) and to add me to a waiting list to see a mental health nurse (which took three months after I had been taking Citalopram). The tablets, on the other…

How Do I Improve My Relationship With Social Media? Here Are 10 Ways

We can’t ignore it, social media is HUGE nowadays and is very popular. It has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. So vastly that it is difficult not to be a part of it. Even if you don’t really want to be. It could be said that it has almost made the telephone and tv…

How to believe in yourself and your dream again – Video

How To Believe In Yourself If You Have Stopped Believing Not getting what you want can be a wonderful stroke of luck One of the most famous quotes but also one of the most frustrating. It is only when you look back at where you come from you realise that maybe that thing really wasn’t…

Can Music Ease Anxiety & A Racing Mind?

Sometimes, our mind can get over run by thoughts, particularly when suffering with anxiety. It can then bring on incredible migraines, feelings of being lethargic or having no escape from the thoughts. At times like this it is important to relax the mind and rest. In this article  we discuss one strategy through the use…

JK Rowling Depression – A Short Video About Failure And Belief

If you are reading this article, it is likely you have suffered or are suffering with Depression. JK Rowling depression is quite well known. She is one of  the greatest authors of our time once had nothing, not a penny, she had hit rock bottom, on benefits and only her child keeping her from sinking…

I AM THE GREATEST! Motivational Video

Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest men of the 20th century who came from a poor background, faced persecution, helped many when he could and a huge belief in himself and maintained his self-belief died last week and the world mourned. He truly was an inspiration to all of us. He taught us all, regardless…

Take the 30 day challenge to change your life

.One of the reasons we can become depressed is because we get into negative routines and habits. One great way to break these habits is by consciously setting ourselves challenges. These challenges don’t have to be very big ( they can be if you like though! ). They can be small things too that you…

5 Ways On How To Improve Your Self-esteem

From time to time we all suffer from a bout of low self-esteem . We wonder what we can do to make ourselves feel better and think differently about ourselves. In this article we discuss five tips to improve self-esteem. Ways On How To Improve Your Self-esteem

What is holding you back? Is anxiety ruling your life?

When a person has anxiety of any type there is usually a fear of future events, what could happen and the worst possible scenario going over and over in their mind until, their worst fear even having a remote chance of happening leading to panic attacks and so stops them living their life. The founder…

6 Traits Of A Survivor Of Severe Depression

Hi, this is an article to help those suffering with depression right now that there are positives from the experience. We are creating this article for those people who are suffering with severe depression so they know there is light at the end of the tunnel. We hope this can help others understand there is…

Learn to develop your tolerance to improve your mental health

We all have likes and dislikes , beliefs and goals that are developed throughout our life due to many environmental factors such as friends, financial background, religion, schooling and more. When we meet people who have come through life in different ways and at first glance, seem to be completely different to us or make…

Lacking Self Belief? Discover A New Perspective. Video

We are all victims of it. We all have moments of feeling insignificant and lacking self belief and doubt. Things may not go to plan and so we start talking badly to ourselves. We start to believe the naysayers that surround us and forget why we ARE amazing. Worse still, we scroll popular social media…

Celebrities That Were Bullied And How To Use Your Bullying Experience Positively

You may not realise but many successful people are often victims of bullying or ridicule at a  young age and sometimes, into adulthood. People that get bullied tend to stand out from others for having different interests, a unique look or be special in some way. They then become easy targets for those who prefer…

How the mind and the heart work together documentary

When you have depression it is often the case that you feel your heart ache, so heavily that if feels like it is weighing you down to the ground and making even the simplest of tasks hard to do, ‘your heart just isn’t in it’ like it used to be.

Celebrities get depressed too and proves materialism doesn’t equate happiness or contentment

Celebrities get depressed too. Yes you read right, the super rich and famous don’t have it all, they may seem to on the surface but many are not complete just because they have wealth, recognition, and status. Materialism is NOT a negative thing, neither is money or the possession of it but what really matters…

Now We Are Free Lyrics – Gladiator – English Lyrics Translation

When John, the founder of Seek A Therapy was going through many difficulties in his life and found doing just the basic things difficult, going into a working environment he no longer wanted to be in but didn’t want to let bullies who had made his difficult win he had to find motivation. Motivation, self-encouragement,…

Film about depression and the removal of ego – The Peaceful Warrior

A film about depression and the removal of ego, based on a true story. It could be said that trying to find inspirational movies that not only entertain us, motivate us but also educate us on how to overcome depression can be difficult to find. Fortunately, the founder of Seek A Therapy stumbled across this…

12 Therapies That Help Depression

Recently, we have read articles discussing that there is going to be more investment in mental health. In particular, easier access to ‘talking therapies‘. Something that we feel strongly about at Seek A Therapy is that each person should be treated differently. Every person’s experience of depression is ‘unique’ and so how a person will…

How not to talk to someone with depression

Many of us don’t realise some of the things we say to people who are suffering with moderate to severe depression doesn’t help and can make the very real life threating condition worse. In this video from Hope for depression Research foundation they clearly show how we sometimes treat people who are dealing with depression…

How To Make Yourself More Happy Through 4 Ideas

Sometimes, it can feel like everyone is a lot happier than you. Some days you just feel down in the dumps and you start to feel nothing can really help you shift your mood. Very often, we feel this way when suffering or recovering from depression. In this article we discuss three ideas on how…

Understanding your emotions can help you control your experiences

Emotions , we all have them, we don’t always tend to understand them and most of us let our subconscious do the hard work of whether to laugh, cry or get angry but what if we could become very aware of our emotions and how we respond? What if we had a chart that mapped…

On World Mental Health Day Lets Talk About Mental Health

Hello guys, I am the founder behind Seek A Therapy, John Wilson. With it being ‘world mental health’ day I felt that now is a good time to let you know more of my time when I had my own mental health ‘crisis’. For quite a long time now many of us have been speaking…

Is Inner Happiness Achievable? Yes It Is And This Is How

Inner Happiness, something we all dream of. We often ask ourselves, is inner happiness achievable? We usually see it as having enough to live on, enough to travel the world, a big house, a big car, a nice attractive partner, lots and lots and lots of material things! Wrong! This is not happiness, these are…

It Takes A Strong Person To Ask For Help

When we are suffering a mental discomfort, or in fact experiencing any kind of difficulty it can be really hard to ask for help. We all have pride and ego that we must uphold that we are self-sufficient, self-reliant, and incredibly ‘strong’. But what is true strength? Is it strong to walk alone and tackle…

See Life Differently Through 5 Documentaries

When depressed it can be difficult to see the positives in life.  In fact it seems almost impossible to see anything good. How can things in your life improve so you can feel grateful for anything again? Sometimes we become so detached from reality, due to our difficulties and our personal situation, that we we…

Jim Carey Talks About The Meaning Of Life

Jim Carrey has always been the Seek A Therapy founder’s favourite comedian. In this 4-minute video, he discusses what he believes to be the meaning of life. There are so many important things in this video that he mentions that should resonate with many of you and why I wanted to share this with you.…

The power of positive affirmations

Positive affirmation – a form of emotional support or encouragement. When you are depressed it Is quite common that you can’t help but have a negative mind set. Everything is tinged with an element of grey and the colour drains from your surroundings; how things will ever be ‘normal’ again feels like an impossible dream. This is…

Some good news about anxiety

Who would have thought it but having anxiety might just be ‘a good thing’! Scientific studies carried out in 2014 found out that some people that suffer from generalised anxiety disorder may actually have a higher IQ than others. In this blog post, we share a video that discusses the idea that anxiety is actually…

Join me on my new years resolution – Let’s get fit!

It’s the end of year, we made it! Have you thought its time to set a new years resolution? We got through all our trials and tribulations and it is at the end of the year when we tend to reflect more on what was good or bad about a time than others and where…

48 New Years Resolutions To Help Improve Your Health

It is nearly new year’s day and I guess now is the time to consider what we would like to change about our lives to make it better. In this blog post, we discuss 48 new years’ resolutions to help you improve your life.

How To Get Motivated For The New Year ~ Video

.I am a strong believer that the only person that can heal you fully or change your life is nobody else but YOU. You have to take the steps. You have to listen to advice from professional therapists. Doctors and nurses. You have to act upon that advice and you have to make the final…

How to change your perspective? Take a larger view from the universe

ave you ever had such difficulties in life that you thought you need to discover a way on how to change your perspective? When everything ‘appears’ to be going wrong we need to take a step back. It can be hard to shift difficult feelings and depression can unfold inside us but how big are…

Mind Games | John Lennon – a song to lift you

Mind Games by John Lennon a fantastic tune to lift your spirits if you listen to the lyrics. We all feel that when we are battling our problems we are fighting a game within our own minds. Being from Liverpool the founder of BoM feels a deep connection to John Lennon. Not only for this…

Is Beauty In The Eye Of The Beholder?

How many of us have been emotionally affected by others who have either made us feel ugly or small by pointing out our flaws or lowered our self-esteem? Often, it affects us because what they say confirms what we tell ourselves. They deemed something about us as not ‘attractive’ or ‘good enough’, something we don’t…

5 Factors On How To Start To Change Your Career Direction

After experiencing a difficult graduation at the foot of the 2008 economic recession the founder of Seek A Therapy understands the difficulty and depression that comes with the lack of opportunity to work. Likewise, after changing direction into teaching and realizing he didn’t like the profession he also knows what it feels like to be…

5 ways how to stop letting gossip from bothering you

Gossip isnt just idle chit chat, it can be quite hurtful and affect peoples mental wellbeing and health. The damage that others can do by spreading rumours and talking about people behind their back can be detrimental to the wellbeing of the victim in question. In this blog post we discuss effective ways to protect…

Is Having Money The True Symbol Of Success? No, These Things are

For over five years the founder of Seek A Therapy lived in one of the most affluent areas in the ENTIRE world with more millionaires living in the vicinity than anywhere else.Having graduated with high hopes of maybe making it as a successful architect himself in 2008, the economic recession had other ideas. But is…

Mens Mental Health – A Must To Battle The Ego As Much As The Disease

Having mental discomfort is tough, really tough. For all who have lived with any form of mental health issue often feel like its a battle to do just the basic things. It is this reason we were initially named ‘Battle of Mind’ back in 2016 because it’s exactly how it feels. But for men, they…

Charlie Chaplin gives an inspirational speech that will lift you and wake you

Although this speech is from ‘the great dictatorship’ Imagine if this was one of our political leaders today. A politician who really genuinely speaks from his heart and not just making decisions to make money or maintain power but in trying to make the world a better place than it can be.

Living without fear

Today a lot of us woke up to the news of the terrible atrocity in Paris attacks by a few mindless thugs that acted out vengeful, evil and anger filled killings. My heart goes out to the people affected by this event and hope they will be able to find some peace in the support and…

Suffering depression? Find your inner spartan and KEEP GOING

No retreat, no surrender that is spartan law! When suffering from depression we have to options. Two listen to the feelings and thoughts of sadness and negativity that often come with physical pains or we can choose to take the difficult path, confront how we feel and challenge ourselves into situations. It can be quite…

What Makes You Feel Depressed? Survey Results

A few weeks ago Battle of Mind started a survey for people to fill in about what is making them feel depressed. Several people filled it in and the results are very interesting and may give some insight into why depression tends to happen as a lot of the results had similar feedback.

The good thing about depression

I bet when you saw the title you thought how the hell can depression be GOOD??! I know, at the very time you are at your lowest point nothing is good. Nothing that has been , nothing that is to come and nothing that is in your present moment, the world is grim but I…

10 films that explore mental illness

Using popular medium is a great way of exploring and understanding mental illness and several films have depicted particular illnesses really well. In this blog post we discuss ten films that the founder of Bom believes are excellent at helping understand what it feels like to experience an illness of the mind. In this blog…

Don’t judge anyone, including self, regardless of past, everyone needs hope and a chance in life

How often do we hear bad news on the television or read about someone selling drugs, prostituting themselves or taking part in some other illegal activity and we judge them as ‘bad’. More often than not there is a reason that led to these people doing what they did and trying to understand their situation and…

Suffering socail anxiety? Always remember, most people are good by nature

Social anxiety is a terrible illness and can stop you living your life. Sometimes it is brought on for no apparent reason, possibly genetic but for many it can be due to many bad social experiences that made the person cautious of others and will do all they can to to avoid having panic attacks…

Why NOW might be the time to start unfriending and unfollowing

How strange, you probably came to this blog post through a social media channel of either Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or even Stumbleupon but yet I am suggesting to improve your mental health you SHOULD consider starting to reassess who is in your friends and what you are following. You may think it sounds crazy but…

What is causing you to feel depressed survey?

I think everyone has noticed recently that people are raising awareness of mental illness as since the recent economic crisis in the last decade more of us have experienced ill mental health or know of somebody connected to them that have been affected. We have set up a survey to try and identify why people…

Back to the future day – look to the past to alter your future

Today is back to the future day and felt it is an appropriate time to discuss looking to the past to help heal your mind and alter your future. In this blog post we discuss why looking to past hurts and opening them to be dealt with and how to do it successfully can help…

Why hurts and disappointment are a blessing

Life, as we all know, is full of being hurt, rejected or disappointed. Some of us experience these things in a relationship sense, others in their career and some in more than one area which can feel totally unbearable but truth to be told, hurts and disappointment can be a blessing in disguise regardless of…

Depression symptoms for males and females explained

Depression symptoms can be different from person to person but did you know depression symptoms can also vary depending on your gender? It is good to have a basic understanding of this and to know what the symptoms are so that if you see your friends and loved ones acting a bit unusual then you…

What defines success? Let’s ask the kids!

Here is a lovely short video about what kids think it means to be successful. There is a lot of pressure on us all to be financially and materially successful and we have been brainwashed into thinking this is the symbol of true success. Probably by corporate entities, social media and such like, into thinking…

Founder of Battle of Mind talks about his experiences of mental health

Today is Mental Health Awareness day and I think now is the perfect time to talk about what path led me to creating Battle of Mind; what I have experienced in my life that led to a complete breakdown, being clinically diagnosed at high risk of suicide, not wanting to not be alive in 2011…

10 known natural cures for anxiety backed by science

In this blog post we discuss 10 known natural cures for anxiety many of which are backed by science and some used from direct experience. Please note, this website should not be taken as medical advice. It is an information website, mostly from lived experience and research, explaining what has worked for some sufferers of…

Creating music playlists to help improve your depressive mood

At Battle of Mind we believe strongly in the use of the arts to help alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety and music was one great tool that helped the founder of BoM find his way through the minefield that is depression. In this post we discuss the idea of creating music playlists to help…

How long does it take to get through depression?

There are many factors to consider when talking about how long it takes to heal from depression and there is no average ratio for each person’s journey due to having varying levels of depression and anxiety for different reasons that often makes it challenging, if not impossible, to gauge a particular time frame for healing. Healing from depression can need to take…

The importance of sleeping when healing from depression

Sleeping is a great tool for healing a lot of mental illness particularly after a bad breakdown. When your mind is full of too many thoughts, particularly of a negative variety, sleeping can really help. Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep each evening is vitally important for the way you feel when you wake up.…

Famous failures. Proof That If You Never Give Up You Stand A Chance At Success.

When we fail, we feel like giving up. The pain that comes with failure is terrible and if you fail again…and again…and again the pain just grows and you feel like you will never succeed. In this video, we discuss famous people who never let anyone tell them they had failed and kept trying their…

10 reasons why you should stop caring what others think of you

Socially anxious people tend to always worry about what others think of them. They can be fearful of making a fool of themselves and being insulted or ridiculed. Usually this is due to past traumatic events that has made them so concerned of those occasions. They tend to try and avoid social events and situations…

Which Superhero can you relate to?

Nearly every superhero has a difficult beginning in life before they become a success. It is one reason we can adhere ourselves to these fictional characters because we too suffer many setbacks before we realise our full potential. Very few people are lucky enough to go through life with little difficulty, we all suffer at…

This one thing can separate people from getting help

One of the things that bothers me about mental health care is the people around the world that don’t get the help for whatever reason. The ones who slip the system because are not seen by the right doctor, the ones who get improperly diagnosed or the ones who don’t feel they can ask for…

10 foods that can help you improve your mood

There is an old saying you are what you eat and if you feed your body junk food or too much sugar then you are not going to help yourself escape depression. In this blog post, we discuss 10 foods that can help you improve your mood, emotions, and mental health. It is recommended to…

Positive music helps depression according to scientists

Many believe that music has no benefit than simply to entertain us or create an ambience. Although true, it isn’t the complete picture. Music, can in fact be a great tool for managing our emotions in many of our daily lives. Positive music helps depression. In this blog post we discuss music, its affect on…

Change can be very hard but necessary and REWARDING

Change, no one likes change. For many, it may be one of the most difficult experiences to experience and will be avoided at all costs but is precisely on creating change that can make life more worthwhile and also break barriers that are keeping us from moving forward. In this blog post we are going…

How you think can make anything seem ok

Quite often, we find that rather than being positive about situations, people are naturally drawn to point out ‘what is wrong’ about their current situation and forget the good that is in front of them. It’s not always the fault of the person in question as maybe they have had a string of terrible events that…

This video will help you find your true calling

How many of us like our job? According to a survey conducted by Gallup 70 percent of us are ‘disengaged’ with our job role. That is a huge 3 out of 4 of us really don’t enjoy the biggest part of our lives but why is that? What happened to so many of us to…

A motivational video, Rise, to help find ‘your’ purpose

Motivational video about rising even when you have little energy left. Motivational videos can really help you feel different and push you to change your circumstances. You know, there are often times where we feel that we have no purpose, we feel that we are abandoned from society and that no one wants our talents…

Why counselling isn’t the answer for everyone suffering depression

Counselling isn’t the answer for everyone. When the founder of Battle of Mind suffered very challenging times as he graduated from architecture he had tried many therapies on his journey of recovery. Counselling was one of his first treatments that he tried after being directed to a counselor by his university lecturer but for him,…

Help calm anxiety with this 3 min meditation video – breathe

Breathe, a tool to help calm anxiety was created by the founder of Seek A Therapy ( previously called Battle of Mind ) after experiencing first hand anxiety attacks. He learnt how to control his feelings and thoughts with the use of correct breathing methods. In this blog post he shares videos he created with…

How To Stop Feeling Lonely. 10 New Ways To Look At Alone Time

How To Stop Feeling Lonely? We can all feel lonely and depressed at times, but some do more than others. The feelings of sadness and depression that can set in when you are alone can be unbearable but what if we started to look at alone time differently? Can we learn the benefit of the…

Anyone suffering right now, you are stronger than you realise!

I know how hard it is when suffering a mental illness, particularly at the very start of a recovery process, you couldn’t feel weaker and so different to a ‘normal’ person. Fact is, a lot of people suffer a mental breakdown, become depressed or anxious only for being strong on their own for way too…

11 Aromatherapy Oils That Help Depression And Anxiety

The founder of Seek A Therapy went on a 2 week break to Egypt recently. Whilst he was in Cairo he discovered an essential oils seller. Seek A Therapy founder’s mother is a holistic therapist. This gave us he already had a good idea of what purpose each oil was but discovered a few new…

It is not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness

It is not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness. ~ unknown This is a photograph of a boy from Afghanistan a place that has seen so much devastation since the terror attacks of 9/11. Even so, his eyes tell a story of happiness, yet his clothes speak of someone…

Moving to…and living with social anxiety in London

For a lot of people living with social anxiety the idea of living in a very busy place, every day, confronted with strangers, looking at you, sometimes in close and terribly unsociable close situations, listening to everyone’s conversations and assessing all the different personalities not only sounds exhausting but could be the thing of nightmares…

A tribute to Robin Williams happy by Gregorz Graboweic

Robin Williams happy, something that we associate with the late great actor is the ability to make us happy through what appears to the be the constant happy clown, but what we know now is it wasn’t always that way. It was five years ago today when Robin Williams decided to take his life but…

Why do we fail?

In this inspirational video compilation of quotes, you will find yourself questioning your current situation. You may even find you find the motivation to make change happen. You can make your life incredible and after you have gone through your darkest times there will be many amazing experiences to be had after. I hope you…

5 reasons why you should consider keeping a ‘Journey Journal’

The feelings and negative thoughts that come with depression are very real and many who suffer from this condition are likely to have feelings of hopelessness and despondency, doing even the smallest task seems almost impossible. How or when you will get better seems a distant dream and as each day passes it can feel like…

10 reasons Why You Should Learn To Forgive

Today is International forgiveness day, a day which has been created to make you more conscious of what you have to forgive but why should you forgive another? Why should you forgive someone who has wronged you? In this blog post we discuss 10 reasons why forgiveness is powerful, liberating and shows sheer strength of…

The Gold Mine Analogy | The mine of mental health

The journey of recovery from a mental illness is not usually quick and neither is it easy either. It can feel as though you are never going to get better because it is such a slow healing process, when will things be ‘normal’ again a common question you ask yourself. I have referred to this…

The power of ‘failure’ and the 7 rules of why failures can be a blessing

There is no such things as a failure. Failure is only something we tell ourselves when things haven’t gone the way we expected. A lot of people think that if things don’t work then that must mean they failed and can be a leading cause of depression and low self-esteem. The good news is that…

Inspiring message about life from Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey is known for being one of the funniest comedians of the 20th and 21st century but he isn’t just funny, he philosophises about life too and gives advice to those seeking their happiness in life. In this short 3 minute video Jim talks about the secret of life in a spiritual sense and the…

Support A Person Who Has Depression By Following These 27 Tips

Sometimes it can be hard being the loved one of someone with a serious hidden illness such as depression. knowing how you can help or what to say can be difficult as well. In this blog post we discuss ways in which you can support a person who has depression that comes from direct experience.

12 Ways To Exercise Without Having To Go To A Gym

Want to exercise without having to go to a gym? A lot of people want to start exercising but don’t really want to go to the gym for whatever reason. Whether time, personal problems, low self-esteem or simple motivation. The good news is you DON’T need to go to a gym to exercise! Exercising can…

Exercise Is Good For Depression. Discover 9 Reasons Why

Did you know exercise is good for depression ? Everyone knows exercising is great in maintaining a healthy body but have you ever considered the impact it also has on our minds. Exercising has many benefits. In this blog post we explore 9 reasons you should include physical activity in your daily activities.

This video will warm your heart and bring a tear to your eye

When I first set up this website a lot of people asked me “what do you get out of it?” as though I was doing it to make money, make my first millions but it genuinely isn’t for that reason. I know how hard it is to live with depression and find a way to…

Inspirational Person Who Didnt Give Up Against The Odds

Here is an inspirational person who didnt give up to help you be inspired in your own journey We all often fee like just giving up? Many of us do when we are depressed and we feel all hope has gone. In this video a man shows why perseverance and believing in yourself regardless of…

This video will tug at your heart strings and put things in perspective

Sometimes we can let our problems engulf us but in this video it can help us realise what is really important and put some of our difficult health problem into perspective.

Laughter Can Lift Your Spirits. Child Takes First Loop The Loop With Dad

Feeling a bit down in the dumps today? Laughter can lift your spirits and that is why we want to share with you three minutes of your time to watch this 4-year-old child enjoy her first loop the loop.

Watch this video about kindness This is an advert for a bank but the message of when you act with kindness then it tends to be reflected back to you and to all those around you. Science has recently proven that acting with a more compassionate and tender heart can lead to a more fulfilling and happy life. Stop…

How To Develop A New Perspective On Life

A GoPro inside a fairing from a recent Falcon 9 flight captured some spectacular views as it fell back to Earth. This footage is played in real-time. By viewing this video and considering the idea of distancing, it can help us to develop a new perspective on life.

Start Meditating Today & Heres The 10 Reasons Why

Yo Man, time to chill out and get all peeeaced out! Is this your impression of meditation and why you probably haven’t tried it? When John, the founder of Seek A Therapy first meditated he did feel kinda strange. Sitting up right, being conscious, sitting with his back straight and eyes closed, concentrating on slowing…

Everybodys Free To Wear Sunscreen – Baz Lurman ( Video )

.Recently, a colleague of mine mentioned he had heard a song on the radio. The song was ‘Everybodys Free to Wear Sunscreen’ a song with a great message and a song that dispenses advice. Similarly to why this website was set up. To help people find the path to a more fulfilling and healthy life.…

Cats help very stressed people to relax

Cats are just as powerful as dogs at helping people to destress and find calm in a chaotic mind and have been used in medicine to lift the spirits of patients suffering long term depression or difficult circumstances find a happier state of mind. Cats help very stressed people to relax Just watch this video…

Can laughter help overcome depression?

Being depressed is far from funny, it can feel like the joke is in fact, on you. It is very difficult and everything has a dark grey and heavy feeling to it. The light has gone from your eyes and finding joy in even the smallest of things is so very hard. But maybe it’s…

Can Art Help Heal My Depression And Stress?

I, the founder of Seek A Therapy, maybe a little biased having spent my whole life studying and creating art and design for a living. Art, we believe, is one of the most therapeutic things you can do to bring a sense of balance in an often chaotic world. In this article, we discuss the…

Is anger ever good for you?

Anger, a lot of people would ‘argue’ is a negative emotion and brings nothing but destruction.. In this article we discuss anger and what positive things can sometimes come from being angry. You won’t like me when I’m angry!

14 Ways Travelling Helps Overcome Depression & See Things Differently

When we are depressed all we can think about is the current situation, how the hell are you going to change it, it feels like it will never end! Travel can be an escape from the depressive life you are living and give you so much from even a week or two week experience of…

Understanding what it is like to have social anxiety through famous movies

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand someone who has an illness. It can be particularly difficult when it is one you can’t physically see. It can also be hard to emphasis with something you have never experienced yourself so we hope to help you understand. So what is social anxiety? Social anxiety is… the…

Remember your loved ones when you are feeling suicidal

He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you

Scientists Say Computer Games Can Help Lift Feelings Of Depression

Computer games have gained quite a bad reputation over the years. They are addictive. They make you aggressive. It is such an anti-social activity. They even get the blame for people doing horrific things. Video games have been blamed in the past for being a culprit of unbalanced people acting in violent ways. But now,…

Should I Forgive Someone Who Has Wronged Me

When we are wronged by somebody or we make bad decisions for our life we get annoyed, frustrated, and disappointed. We can ask ourselves should I forgive someone who has wronged me? We question whether we are angry with the perpetrator or, in fact, ourselves. But as the old saying goes, ‘anger is like holding…

Becoming your own hero in your battle of mental health

When you have a bad mental breakdown it is without doubt the lowest point you can reach in life. You need help and support to help you begin your difficult journey from utter turmoil to at the very least, functioning properly again. Everything is ten times as hard as it once was, so you begin…

Ideas For Picking Yourself Up When You Have A Down Day

When healing from depression it isn’t just a constant recovery of ups. Recovering from depression is a journey of ups and downs. Sometimes we need ideas for picking yourself up when you have a down day. Some days, we feel we may be close to being healed completely from our mental health problems . Feeling…

9 Signs That You Are In An Unhealthy Relationship

Whether you are male or female, having a good relationship is something that many of us strive for. Someone who understands us, to share experiences with, enjoy fun times and that loving support. But like all things in life, nothing is ‘perfect’ all the time. Most relationships are up and down. It is when the…

9 Reasons Why Happy People Suggest That You Dont Compare Your Life To Others

We are all victims of it, we look at other people’s Facebook account and see how happy they are, all the nice holidays they have, the new car, the new house, a brand new baby, the latest gadget and more. It is hard not to become envious as you look at people you deem you…

Will you let your past strengthen you or destroy you? Will you let your past strengthen you? It is true to say your past can either define you or strengthen you. When you go through difficult life challenges (as we all do to different levels of hardness), and/or experience people, such as bullies, that want to bring you down for their own pleasure or…

The power of gratitude to change your thoughts and improve mental health

The power of gratitude is well known to improve our perceptions of life. when in a slump and experiencing many difficulties it can become quite easy to forget that our life isn’t just black and white but is many shades of colour in between. We have many good things that have happened to us. The…

A personal experience of the NHS mental health dep and the current UK government

Please note, this is a personal experience and may not be how your experience will be. Things are changing so please see this blog post only as a personal experience to the founder, a GP may get you the correct support you need. I felt it is important to understand that one reason I set…

20 things to make you happy on international happiness day

When depressed it is really hard to see the positive in life and we tend to get into a negative way of thinking. Well today is international happy day and with that being the case here are 20 things that might just put a little smile on your face.

What I learnt about going to the Tibetan Rally in Paris 2015

In 1950 Tibet, a nation of peace and people that value understanding of the mind, was invaded by the chinese. For over 50 years now native Tibetan’s have been struggling to survive in their homeland with many protesting by setting themselves on fire such is the extent of their suffering.

The importance of goal setting for depression

Goal setting for depression can be a great healing tool. When depressed as we all know it is very very hard to find the energy, will or wanting to do any task whatsoever. Simply getting up and taking a shower can seem like climbing the largest mountain and a massive effort for those with severe…

Dealing With A Work Place Bully, Our Top Tips

Dealing with a work place bully can sometimes be difficult. We all need to have a profession, it doesn’t matter where you come from. A profession affords you a certain standard of living and gives you a sense of purpose in life too. Unfortunately, there are sometimes people in your career that you meet that…

Discover 5 Reasons Why A Dog Can Help Improve Your Mood

When the founder of Seek A Therapy was in the midst of his personal struggle and journey a new pet was bought.His parents, whom he lived with in recovery, decided to buy a dog for his younger sister. She had been wanting one for so long. 6 years in fact, when finally, my father gave…

Alice Wilson compassion through the looking glass

As you have already gathered I am someone who suffered severe depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety due to a lot of reasons I have not divulged at this stage ( but plan to in the near future ) but it was not only myself who suffered with mental health problems.

Learning to harness your pain for good

Life is hard for everyone, fact. It gives each of us different challenges and some are very, very hard to experience, so hard that in fact you wonder how it’s possible it will ever stop hurting or things will improve but in the end it is how we learn to deal with a difficulty that…

Effect of cruel words and hurtful actions depicted by artistic mastery

The effect of cruel words on the mental welfare of people can be so painful and debilitating to the sufferer not only for the moment in time they feel hurt but the effect of words and mockery continues to effect them as they progress through life.

Top 10 songs that helped motivate positive change

Music, just like the other arts are driven by emotion and can be great in making us feel different about a situation or thought we are having that are affecting our overall wellbeing. It is very important the music you allow into your mind is not negative or making you feel a negative emotion such…

How Do We Help More Men Talk About Their Feelings?

Men, those who struggle with expressing their feelings openly for fear of ridicule. For fear of appearing weak, their sexuality being brought into question or seen as a moaner. How do we break these stereotypes and help more men talk about their feelings. We need to show that the truely strong people are not the…

The importance of the breath in keeping your mind calm

Something that was brought to our attention by a family member was the importance of the breath.Correctly breathing is known to aid in reducing feelings of anxiety.

Films to inspire you to overcome depression and anxiety

Movies are hugely emotive and can be powerful motivators to help us strive for our own dreams. The silver screen really can have a ‘silver’ lining with many stories having in depth meaning when you scrutinise the stories closely. See our list of films to inspire you to overcome depression.

Kindness Boomerang | Be kind we are all fighting a hard battle | Video

Be Kind We Are All Fighting A Hard Battle. The simple act of being kind and generous to all we meet can have a fantastic and positive effect. It is such a powerful act to be selfless and tends to have a knock on effect with the person you helped. That person you helped will…

Is the news bad for your mental health?

A controversial title on a website about finding inner peace and mental wellbeing deserves a thorough and careful explanation of why it is on a site like this.

Writing down how you feel before going the GP about depression

I remember the day I had my breakdown, I can see it vividly in my mind, the racing thoughts, the utter desperation and massive physical stabbing pain in my heart, shivering body and sweating brow. It was the worst experience of my life as I lay there on my living room floor unsure of what…

Is Hypnotherapy Effective At Alleviating Depression And Anxiety?

Is hypnotherapy effective at healing depression and anxiety? As someone who used to be a long term sufferer of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem I can confirm first hand the effectiveness of hypnotherapy, I, John, the founder of Seek A Therapy, tried many different tools on his own healing journey. Counseling, EFT, CBT, reiki, exercise…

When The Future Seems Bleak Watch This Video!

When times feel as though they are tough and the future seems bleak, we sometimes need some motivation to help us to keep focused. In this post, we share an amazing motivational video called Quiet Desperation. It is not necessarily desperation we are seeking but focus and direction. We know we have dreams and goals…

Using Cognitive Distancing & Taking A Step Back From Your Situation Can Help

When struggling with what we feel is a very difficult situation we sometimes feel it is so huge and engulfing us that we can’t possibly get better. I, the founder of Seek A Therapy, am familiar with these feelings and know it can be truly painful and overbearing it can be at times. In this…

The consequence of suicide

If you are feeling suicidal please contact the samaritans or CLASP Charity ASAP by clicking one of the links and they will help you. Don’t suffer alone, there is someone out there to help you.

Seize the Day Robin Williams Music Video

In mindfulness practice, we are often asked to focus on the present moment. This present moment is all we have. We can’t look back on the past and regrets and make that our focus. We can learn from the past and make changes for our future, but what has happened, has already happened. It is…

My CLASP Charity Walking out of darkness experience 2014

On October 11th 2014 I was one of a few hundred people trying to help raise mental health awareness and remove the stigma that surrounds this illness and the lack of understanding and support of this part of our health.

“Now we are free” – Gladiator inspiration & motivation

The film Gladiator with Russell Crowe is about a fictional successful commander of a Roman legion who was about to be given high honour of being able to lead Rome but due to the jealousy of the emperors son ended up loosing everything he had worked so hard to achieve and be turned into a…

Developing A Gladiator Mindset Video : Inspiration How To Develop Mental Strength

The pain that comes with disappointments, unfortunate events, being depressed, anxious or just constant negative feelings can be debilitating. It can freeze you in place in fear of moving forward. We may have to face a great difficulty day after day. But it is precisely this time of facing your fear and feeling the pain that…

How To Build Resilience & Face Adversity Through The Analogy Of A Mountain

May 29th, 60 years ago, two men took on a very brave and challenging climb of the tallest Mountain in the world Mount Everest. Their names are Sir Edmund Hillary & Tenzing Norgay. Like them I had to find determination to climb my own mountain of adversity after graduation in 2008.

Suicidal Thoughts ? Reaching the end? No! It can be the beginning of a new start

PLEASE CONTACT CLASP CHARITY IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF INSTANT HELP OR RELIEF It is well documented that Stephen Fry talked about how he has regular suicidal thoughts as part of his bipolar condition. A person with a high profile suffering from bipolar disorder for a long period of time. I too have suffered…

3 Tips to Overcome Depression

The founder of Seek A Therapy once suffered with depression. He knows the pain depression causes and knowing it can be difficult to know what to do to change things.  We hope these three points, shared directly from his own experience can help others. In this article he shares tips to overcome depression from his…

Hold on painting by JA Wilson

Entered into the John Moores Painting Prize 2012 We all have dreams as a child. We dream of becoming super heroes like Superman, Batman or other characters of fantasy realms. We are told to dream as a child, both from the media on the television to, as we grow older, schools and establishments telling you…


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