When depressed it can be difficult to see the positives in life.  In fact it seems almost impossible to see anything good. How can things in your life improve so you can feel grateful for anything again? Sometimes we become so detached from reality, due to our difficulties and our personal situation, that we we miss the ‘real’ and beautiful world we live.  You often look for things that help you see life differently when depressed or having a difficult time.

In this article we discuss several documentaries that may help you see life differently.  They can help you to reassess what it is that you ‘think’ will make you happier. They can also make you feel more blessed for the world you and I live in.

Here is our list of feel good documentaries that we think you may like to watch.

Happy Documentary Can Change Your Perspective On What Happiness Is

This documentary I watched recently is the thing that seems to elude most people that become severely depressed. Happiness seems to be the ultimate goal for us all. This is the polar opposite of suffering with depression. Often, when in the state of depression we are unaware of HOW or WHAT will help us to become happier. This documentary starts to make you more aware that modern living and clever marketing may have tricked us into what we think we need to be happy. The truth of the matter is, what we believe we need may not in fact ‘be’ what gives us feelings of contentment.

Well worth a watch of anyone’s time!

“You must watch this even if you never own it. Joy is in the happiness of little things.”

On The Way to School Is A Heart Warming Documentary

On the way to school tells the true stories of several children around the ages of 10 from different parts of the world. They show their commute to be educated. So many of us complain about standing on cramped trains. We become so stressed by our jobs but when we see the plight of people that have very little it can move us. They can’t live close to ‘the best schools’ in their catchment area, they are great at keeping themselves upbeat on their journey to be educated. This documentary will undoubtedly tug at your heart strings. It’ll make you wish you could go to these countries and help. So many children happy to be educated and desperate to change their lives in order to be able to help many others.

Truly an unmissable documentary, watch this!

Living On One Dollar A Day Documentary Can Help You See Life Differently

Imagine only having one dollar a day to live on.

So many people can’t simply change this situation. For a lot of people, their life situation has given them this challenge. Unable to change the environment they were born into.

This documentary will make you grateful for the roof over your head and the food on your table. The simple things in life we take for granted. Watching this can make you want to do something to try and make the world a better place than just looking after yourself.

It may even motivate you to improve your mental health and put what energy you have into something positive. Driven by the desire to help others. The director of this documentary is fantastic to raise awareness of what others have to deal with.

It definitely helps raise your feelings of gratitude for the life you were born into.

A very humbling documentary.

I am Documentary Is An Eye Opening Documentary

A documentary about a man’s fantastic journey and pursuit of understanding how we are all inter connected. That we all affect each other and have the ability to change the world for the better.

This documentary, we imagine, will show you that you are an important part of this world. That we all can have purpose to try and make each others lives better and happier.

 Documentary Life – Helps You See Life Differently

Any documentary staring David Attenborough is not only fascinating but also awe inspiring. Nature is simply the greatest artist that exists on the planet. To see it unfold in a documentary can make you realise that the world is not just about the city you live in.

LIfe isn’t the places outside of the main busy towns that make this world magical. Recently, the founder of Seek A Therapy was fortunate enough to go scuba diving in the red sea ( Egypt ) and saw so much life and coloured fishes. It felt like they were almost flying through the vast endless ocean. Experiencing this kind of life first hand is indescribable.

Seeing nature and all the life that shares our planet brings a total appreciation of the world.

Seek out any documentaries that explore wildlife and I am sure you too will find it as incredible as I do!

Help You See Life Differently From Real Life Documentaries

Are there any other documentaries that you think changed the perspective of the world? Any documentaries that help inspire you to change your life? Please feel free to comment below and also share this list with your friends and family. Thank you.

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