Something that was brought to our attention by a family member was the importance of the breath.Correctly breathing is known to aid in reducing feelings of anxiety.

When we start to think irrationally or feel some form of fear our breathing, usually unconsciously, changes. This in turn affects our thoughts and brain wave patterns making them erratic. Rather than us try to explain, take a look at these amazing videos from TED and Dr Alan Watkins.

The importance of the breath to regulate your brain waves

Note : I recommend trying to follow the exercise when he starts talking about regulating breath and see what you experience when you turn attention to your breath.

Something so simple to change but yet we don’t tend to pay attention to is our breath. How we breath, when in certain situations, can make us more anxious. It could be said that the importance of the breath when suffering with anxiety is HUGELY important to your wellbeing.

By slowing our breath, and regulating our intake, it can rebalance our brain. It can keep us in control of our emotions, thoughts and reactions to situations. One more tool to help you find peace from anxiety.

By understanding how your brains work it empowers us to understand why things are happening and how to remain in control when you don’t feel like you are.

Have you tried the breathing exercises? Do you feel they helped you?

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  1. 10 known natural cures for anxiety backed by science ⋆ Battle of Mind

    […] exercise ( you can find it on the YouTube channel ) and also wrote an interesting article about why conscious breathing is so important for a mind that is at ease and functioning at its best […]