I think everyone has noticed recently that people are raising awareness of mental illness as since the recent economic crisis in the last decade more of us have experienced ill mental health or know of somebody connected to them that have been affected. We have set up a survey to try and identify why people…

Life, as we all know, is full of being hurt, rejected or disappointed. Some of us experience these things in a relationship sense, others in their career and some in more than one area which can feel totally unbearable but truth to be told, hurts and disappointment can be a blessing in disguise regardless of…

There is an old saying you are what you eat and if you feed your body junk food or too much sugar then you are not going to help yourself escape depression. In this blog post, we discuss 10 foods that can help you improve your mood, emotions, and mental health. It is recommended to…

Quite often, we find that rather than being positive about situations, people are naturally drawn to point out ‘what is wrong’ about their current situation and forget the good that is in front of them. It’s not always the fault of the person in question as maybe they have had a string of terrible events that…