Men, those who struggle with expressing their feelings openly for fear of ridicule. For fear of appearing weak, their sexuality being brought into question or seen as a moaner. How do we break these stereotypes and help more men talk about their feelings. We need to show that the truely strong people are not the…

When times feel as though they are tough and the future seems bleak, we sometimes need some motivation to help us to keep focused. In this post, we share an amazing motivational video called Quiet Desperation. It is not necessarily desperation we are seeking but focus and direction. We know we have dreams and goals…

In mindfulness practice, we are often asked to focus on the present moment. This present moment is all we have. We can’t look back on the past and regrets and make that our focus. We can learn from the past and make changes for our future, but what has happened, has already happened. It is…