Meditation is probably one of the best-known therapies in society at the moment. It is a practice where you uses a technique such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity. They do this to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state of mind. Meditation is practised in numerous religious traditions and Buddhists have known about the benefits of meditation for millennia. We at Seek a Therapy want to help answer your questions and concerns surrounding meditation in order to help you select the right meditation practice for you and on this page we have included some of the most common questions a person may have before attending their first session.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.


Through meditation, it is believed we change the flow of our thoughts.  By doing regular meditation it is believed that we can change our perception of situations, beliefs and experiences and allow ourselves to react and respond to life events differently. Research has shown that regular meditation can have both physiological and psychological improvements. Some of the positive physiological effects include a lowered state of physical arousal, reduced respiration rates ( great for improving anxiety / social anxiety ), decreased heart rate, lowered stress and even a change in brain wave patterns.

The Health-benefits of Meditation

The actual number of health-related benefits to meditation can be great. Here are some other benefits :

  • Better management of symptoms related to anxiety disorders, depression, sleep disorders, pain issues, and high blood pressure
  • Better stress management skills
  • Changes in different aspects of attention and mindfulness
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Improved emotional well-being
  • Improved working memory and fluid intelligence
  • Improved immunity
  • Greater empathy for yourself and others
  • Headache relief

What Is The Difference Between Meditation & Mindfulness?

How Much Does A Typical Meditation Session Cost?

There are many ways to practice. You can download apps ( we have put together a shortlist of meditation apps here ) or you can attend local classes, often in Buddhists centres.  You can also buy guided meditations on CD ( some of which can be found in our wellbeing shop). Sometimes you can also try it as part of another therapy such as psychotherapy. This means the costs often vary. It can range from £5/$10 for a single session or sometimes you can pay for a subscription with apps such as calm. For others, it’s important to be in a group meditation in centres like Buddhist centres and costs can also vary.  A cd may set you back about £10/$15. The key is to find what works for you and often when starting off, guided meditation through apps or CDs is probably the best so you feel totally relaxed when first undertaking the therapy.

How Do I Know Which Meditation To Choose?

It will be down to preference. Some people prefer to meditate alone so a guided meditation app would be useful, you can also focus on core issues such as self-confidence, anxiety or stress relief.

For others, meditation may be more fruitful if you attend group sessions in person and connect with like minds. Find out what your needs are and then find a local specialist to help you.

How Long Does It Take To Heal With Meditation?

Start meditating. picture ofa woman meditating on a beach. meditationResearch suggests that just two months of practice is enough to rewire your brain in ways that could encourage greater focus, emotional control, and thoughtful decision making. It has been reported that it can also decrease negative mood and anxiety and improve attention, working memory, and recognition memory within just 2 months.

What If It Doesn’t Work For Me?

First of all, don’t worry!

If you think this is the right therapy but you have the wrong therapist then you have every right to seek a second opinion and you will not offend your therapist, they just want you to heal from your difficulty as best you can and you deserve to feel better. If, on the other hand, you don’t feel meditation is working at all then do not be disheartened, there are many, many different types of therapy that can help and counselling is only one. Use our therapy directory to find a different therapy, you may find hypnotherapy works better or possibly some holistic treatment. The key is not to think this is your only option.

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Please note: This information should not replace professional medical advice, it is purely for informational purposes. At all times when you are in crisis please first seek help from your GP or another medical professional. Thank you