Are you considering seeking the support of a personal trainer?  Personal Trainers provide one to one fitness programmes to help tailor your exercise routine to your particular goals. It is likely you want more information about working with a personal trainer before booking your first session. We at Seek a Therapy want to help answer your questions and concerns surrounding personal training in order to help you select the right counsellor for you and on this page we have included some of the most common questions a person may have before attending their first session.

What Is A Personal Trainer?

Personal trainers are fitness professionals who work with individuals to teach exercise form and technique, keep clients accountable to their exercise goals, and create customized workout plans based on the individual’s specific health and fitness needs

Every Day Health

Personal Trainers have various qualifications and different levels of PT status. Some may also work in specialist areas such as muscle building, helping with rehabilitation if you have an injury, weight loss or other specialisms. Your personal trainer will usually have a good understanding of human physiology. This includes body’s movements such as ensuring proper form, developing workout programmes, tailoring specific exercises depending upon your physical abilities and limitations.

By utilising a personal trainer it can help you to get into healthy routines, understand correct form and how to use equipment properly. Once you have had enough training it will become second nature to you and you may even be able to create your own workout routines. Often using a personal trainer means you are at lower risk of injury as you are being watched and guided as you work out.

What to Expect From A Personal Trainer

When you go for your initial consultation, your PT may offer to take body composition measurements, recording your weight and taking chest, waist, hips, legs and arms measurements. Sometimes they may use a machine that can take several body measurements. By taking measurements you can see how you are progressing. Other trainers may suggest you don’t measure as the body can fluctuate as you develop a healthier, fitter body.

Next, your PT may ask you to do some exercises in order for them to gauge where you are in terms of fitness, strength and flexibility. It’s ok if you struggle, that is why you are starting your PT journey. Your trainer will also ask what your goals are in order to tailor-make the perfect programme for you.

It is common knowledge that exercise is only 20% of a healthy lifestyle! Some personal trainers will also offer you a guide towards correct nutrition to be effective. This way it ensures that you aren’t wasting your time at the gym.

It is also good advice to let your PT know which exercises you don’t like. If you keep doing exercises you don’t like you will soon give up. There are many ways to exercise so you don’t have to do things you don’t want to.

Can Exercise Help With Mental Health?

It has become common knowledge that exercise improves mental health. It can help with depression, anxiety, self-esteem and cognitive function. There are many reasons why exercise helps with one’s mental health and can include that your body will begin to change shape, you become stronger and fitter, it can release endorphins in the brain.

Other health benefits from regular exercise include the following:

  1. Improved sleep

  2. Increased interest in sex

  3. Better endurance

  4. Stress relief

  5. Improvement in mood

  6. Increased energy and stamina

  7. Reduced tiredness that can increase mental alertness

  8. Weight reduction

  9. Reduced cholesterol and improved cardiovascular fitness

Exercise alongside other therapy is often a great treatment for improving one’s overall wellbeing.

I’m Nervous About Going The Gym, How Do I Start Going?

The founder of Seek A Therapy used to suffer really badly from social anxiety and depression. He remembers clearly the first time he set foot in the gym. The very first time he went he arranged to have an introduction to the gym where one of the personal trainers showed me around. This helped gauge the environment and get a basic introduction to some of the equipment.

We also wrote an article about how to start going to the gym if you suffer from anxiety here.

How Much Does A Typical Personal Trainer Session Cost?

A personal trainer ( and we have several in our directory in the UK, USA, Europe and Asia) costs vary and can range from £20/$30 per session and sometimes can go upwards of £100/$150. It can occasionally be more depending upon the status and experience of the personal trainer, speciality and location.

How Do I Know Which Personal Trainer To Choose?

It is probably important to recognise that the personal trainer you select must make you feel confident in yourself and your surroundings. You are going to have to develop a relationship of trust and support for effective personal training. It is probably worth considering what their speciality is and whether it matches your own fitness goals.

When you find the right personal trainer that offers you good communication, a partnership, trust, goals and a feeling of genuine understanding then together, over time, you will be able to create a relaxing and open atmosphere where you will best be able to reap the benefit of exercise.

We also recommend if it is possible, to try and find reviews from previous happy customers and also see if they are registered with their specific industry body.

How Long Does It Take To Notice A Difference With A Personal Trainer?

It really does depend on your goals but you should notice a difference in your mental health within the first few weeks if you are also looking to gain strength or lose weight then this can vary from 4 to 24 weeks.

What If It Doesn’t Work For Me?

First of all, don’t worry!

If you think having a personal trainer is the right therapy but you have the wrong professional then you have every right to seek a second opinion and you will not offend your PT, they just want you to improve your health from your difficulty as best you can and you deserve to feel better. If, on the other hand, you don’t feel personal training is working at all then do not be disheartened, there are many, many different types of therapy that can help and personal training is only one. Use our therapy directory to find a different therapy, you may find hypnotherapy works better or possibly some holistic treatment. The key is not to think this is your only option.

Personal Training For Mental Health

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Please note: This information should not replace professional medical advice, it is purely for informational purposes. At all times when you are in crisis please first seek help from your GP or another medical professional. Thank you