Knowing signs it is time to seek therapy can be beneficial for your wellbeing. For many, therapy is often a new experience, and also, you don’t want to feel you aren’t coping or weak. The good news is, you are neither of these things. Many people seek therapy, both those who are in need of emotional and mental support; but also successful people who want to de-stress or feel more positively about life, whether they have had a hard time or not. John, the founder of Seek A Therapy often speaks openly about having seen therapists. He saw just how beneficial it was working with professional therapists. Now he lives a much happier life than he did when he first sought help.

In this article we have compiled a list of 9 signs it is time to seek therapy : –

Signs It’s Time To Seek Therapy

  1. Feeling sad, angry, or otherwise “not yourself.”
    Are you noticing that you are feeling sad, angry, or not your usual self more often than you would like? This can be a sign that you are possibly suffering from a mental health problem such as depression, stress, or anxiety. Anger and frustration come to the surface when things in life have not gone as suspected and speaking to a therapist can aid in helping to deal with these disappointments. They can help identify why you are feeling sad more often and then, work on ways to manage these feelings.
    Sometimes, you are wanting to spend less time with your family and friends. Eating or sleeping more/less than usual. Even if these feelings are only minor, by speaking to a therapist you can stop your feelings from escalating and becoming more serious and affecting your quality of life.
    If these feelings escalate to the point that you question whether life is worth living or you have thoughts of death or suicide, reach out for help right away. Ring 111 if in the UK or speak to your GP.
  2. Abusing drugs, alcohol, food, or sex to cope.
    Many people use alcohol to de-stress after a long week at work. The problem is when an of these turn to excess and an over-reliance develops.  If you are finding it difficult to control these learned habits, it is usually a sign that you may be struggling with a compulsive or addictive behavior that needs investigation and further treatment from a specialist.
  3. You’ve lost someone or something important to you.
    One of life’s most difficult challenges can be when we lose someone dear to us. This can be through death or when a relationship ends or becomes difficult. The emotions that arise with both these situations are hard and often, even people who seem to be dealing with these difficult circumstances aren’t and require some help and advice from a therapist.
  4. Having A Traumatic Experience.
    You may have suffered from a traumatic experience in your life, many of us do. Not all of us manage to deal with these experiences in the most effective way and carry the burden mostly secretly. Sometimes, a traumatic experience can be work-related, maybe you have experienced workplace bullying. Or maybe you lost your job to support your family or maybe, you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness.  There can also be underlying trauma from a history of abuse, neglect, or childhood trauma. You have found ways to survive through adulthood but not completely live happily. A therapist will help you to work through your suppressed emotions, thoughts, and memories whatever your traumatic experience might be. The earlier you talk to someone, the faster you can learn new strategies and perspectives on ways of coping.
  5. You can’t do the things you like to do.
    Grieving can be a long and tricky process to endure alone. Having a professional that cares can help ease some of this burden you are going through. Not everyone needs counselling during these times but there are many different types of therapy to explore. Some therapists will fit you and your way of thinking better than others. It is often a good idea to explore just what options are available. Some therapy may even relate to hobbies such as ‘art therapy’. ‘Laughter classes’. ‘Meditation/mindfulness’ and spiritual awareness. ‘Talking therapy’ if you are a very social person or even ‘music therapy’ for the more musical among us. There are so many options available and one reason we created Seek A Therapy, a website dedicated to helping you discover different types of therapy available in your locality.
  6. Difficult life transitions. 
    In life, as already mentioned, we all go through difficult life situations. moving to a new city ( I did whilst living with social anxiety), a divorce, or experiencing death or loss of money. If the experience still haunts you, then you should consider speaking to a therapist.
  7. Relationship problems
    If you have noticed your relationship is no longer fulfilling and feel communications have broken down with your significant other, seeking couple counseling can sometimes be helpful in getting your relationship back on track or, sometimes doing what is best for all who are involved…
  8. Obsessive or compulsive behaviors.
    Do you find yourself spending too much time double-checking to make sure you turn off the stove? Worrying too much about washing your hands? Perhaps you continue to repeat something so often that it causes you to bother. Or your life feels less fulfilling. It could be extremely beneficial to speak to a therapist in order to deal with these issues of wellbeing.
  9. You always beat yourself up.
    Do you find yourself talking negatively to yourself? A tendency to blame yourself for anything that goes wrong, maybe at work, or at home? Is there a feeling of always never feeling good enough? Do you feel you lack the motivation to make your life better? Don’t worry, seeking therapy such as life coaching, counseling, mindfulness, CBT, or Hypnotherapy ( some say hypnotherapy can be as potent as antidepressants in helping) can all aid in helping you to take more care of your thoughts and put yourself back where you belong. In a life where you see just how amazing you are!

Have You Spotted The Signs It’s Time To Seek Therapy?

Do you identify with some of the signs on the list? Then it’s possible you should probably look into therapy. There is no shame in getting therapy. The most successful people on the planet have been involved with therapy. It is an uplifting and enjoyable experience once you have released your burden with someone else who cares. Good therapists have empathy and are trained in how to deal with difficult life experiences.

Please, speak to your GP and/or a mental health charity, use and/or discover self-help strategies.

You don’t need to suffer in silence anymore. It is time for you to take back control of your wellbeing.

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  1. International Women's Day - The woman who inspired the founder of Seekatherapy and BattleofMind - Battle of Mind Blog

    […] Try therapy. She knew about lots of therapy, she was the one who advised me to try EFT ( moderately successful), Homeopathy, counselling, CBT, reiki, floatation tanks and finally hypnotherapy, of which was my ultimate benefactor. This knoweldge and experience of trying different therapies  where a GP would not advise, is what inspired, currently at 830 therapists but intending to grow it much much larger. […]